Claudio Candido
It acts as reconstructive surgeon with formation and performance in the areas of plastic reconstrutive surgery, burn treatment, hand surgery, reconstructive microsurgery of complex injuries (limbs reimplantation, microsurgical reconstruction), and, also, in coadjuvante therapies in the treatment of some pathologie (hyperbaric oxygentherapy, ozonotherapy and lasertherapy ecc). |
Master in Surgery by Campinas State University (Unicamp) - Brazil, Physician Doctor in Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery by Università degli Studi di Pavia - Italy and Physician Doctor in Orthopedic and Traumatology by São Paulo State University - USP.
It is researcher and feridologo (wound healing), having worked in reference world centers by more than has 17 years in the clinical treatment and surgical procedding of acute and chronic cutaneous injuries.
He participated of some professional and humanitarian activities in diverse regions of Brazil and of other Latin American countries (Colombia, Panama and Cuba), of European countries (Italy, Spain and Portugal) and of African countries (Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Tunisia and Algeri), where it could evidence to be basic the cultural adaptation of the clinical and surgical treatment to the place and aspects where if it found (p.e: Amazonic Forest , Brazilian Hinterland, Pantanal Mato-grossense, Andes Mountain, European Nucleus, Saara Desert) and according to specific requirements of each pathology. |
It integrates national and international scientific societies. Winner of scientific prizes and author of innumerable presentations and works in the reconstructive surgery area.
He participates of scientific events in Brazil and exterior, divulging new concepts and procedures in the treatment of wound and surgical reconstruction; the holistic vision of the patient with the work interacts to interdisciplinar, searching the functional and aesthetic recovery of the lesionada area.
He is idealizer, founder and responsible of Feridologo - Nucleus of Interdisciplinary Research and Treatment of Wounds, rendering of services vehicle, searches and professional formation.
Founder and President of Brazilian Wound Healing Society. |
Claudio Candido