The Nucleus of Interdisciplinary de Research and Treatment of Wounds is to interdisciplinar and multicentric. It is worried about the holistic boarding of the treatment - that the patient is treated as a whole the and not only its cutaneous injury. It praises in the boarding to interdisciplinary that professional they integrate team of treatment of the possible form most including, such as: doctor, psychologist, druggist, nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social assistant, microbiologista e, in special way, the proper patient and its familiar ones.
He is also objective of the Nucleus to ratify and to spread out old and new concepts, as, for example, to leave the clean and humid wound, to prevent the improper substance use that attacks cicatriciais fabrics and to inform the adequate ones. Currently, diverse topical products of last generation with specific indications, advantages and disadvantages exist. The important one is to know what to use, when to use and as to use. It is basic to determine the necessary diagnosis of the pathology, identification of the cicatricial phase and adjusted treatment, according to available resources. |
The interdisciplinariedade of the Nucleus motivated, still, the accomplishment of humanitarian missions. The Prof. Dr. Luiz Claudio Candido, our responsible, founding and organizator one, participated of national humanitarian missions (North and Northeast) and international (Africa Ocidental and Cuba). We are to the disposal for information. Prof.
Dr. Luiz Claudio Candido |
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